“Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries.” — Carl Jung

what is preparation & why is it important?
Preparation for a heart-opening or psychedelic plant medicine Journey involves careful consideration and deliberate intention-setting. Before embarking on this transformative experience, individuals engage in a pre-flight excavation process to cultivate the optimal inner environment for growth and healing. Central to this preparation is the identification of one's intention—a focused and purposeful direction of thoughts, emotions, and actions towards inner transformation. This intention serves as a guiding light throughout the Journey, illuminating the path towards self-discovery and healing.
In addition to setting intention, individuals design customized tools and explore a variety of therapeutic modalities that will serve as anchors during the Journey, fostering focus and alignment with one’s purpose as you till and fertilize your soil to harvest enlighteneing fruits from the experience.
Alongside these practices, our comprehensive preparation checklist ensures that individuals enter the experience with clarity, mindfulness, and readiness. This process includes immersing oneself in supportive reading, viewing, and listening materials, while also minimizing exposure to external distractions and sources of negativity. Heart-Mind-Body-Spirit preparation is emphasized through activities such as diet, exercise, meditation, journaling, breath work, spending time in nature, and many other creative exercises to plant seeds for revelations in your ceremony, all aimed at cultivating a state of receptivity and openness to the Journey ahead. By approaching the experience with intentionality, mindfulness, and a spirit of curiosity, we support individuals as they pave the way for profound inner transformation and healing.
what is INTEGRATION & why is it important?
Integration is the vital bridge between the profound insights gained during a Journey and the everyday reality of life. It's akin to sorting through the attic and basement of one's internal universe, discerning what to discard and what to retain, resulting in a clear being unencumbered by the baggage of the ego-mind. After your healing session, you gain the ability to redefine and reshape your life moving forward. Many of the beliefs and automatic responses we carry today are rooted in early childhood conditioning. During the developmental stage between ages 0 and 7, our minds operate in the Theta brain wave state, a highly receptive phase where environmental influences profoundly shape our sense of self.
Your ceremony creates a powerful opening to reset these deep-seated patterns and craft a new life story. The experience allows you to connect with a higher vibrational state, reflecting your evolved understanding and authentic truth as an adult..This phase invites individuals to lean into their shadows with love, fostering healing through gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance as you connect to inner guidance, distinguishing between ego-driven desires and authentic intuition to contemplate higher purpose with an open heart and curious mind.
Our transformative process extends beyond personal reflection and journaling, encompassing lifestyle adjustments, community connection, deep emotional processing, trauma informed discovery, and creative expression. Through these mindfulness practices, individuals integrate their insights into everyday life, creating lasting change in thought patterns, behaviors, and convictions. Integration becomes a deeply personal and profound ongoing Journey of self-discovery and growth as you emerge from the experience with clarity, self-love, confidence, and a renewed connection to the true nature of the creator within.
Working with us as your Preparation and Integration Guides, we will identify and create a personalized program supporting your individual work as we set the stage for a heart opening experience. The intentional preparation you put into yourself prior to engaging with these medicines is a vital step in maximizing the outcome of any journey.
This in-depth plan will be curated based upon your history, intentions and what you hope to receive from your experience. We will spend sessions utilizing various frameworks to help reframe and shift perspectives about yourself and your life to show the strengths of all that you hold.
We will also be there for you in the afterglow of your experience, with guidance in integrating everything that came through for you. We are here help glean and maximize the most potent insights as we create the greatest possibilities for your life moving forward. We look forward to being alongside you throughout your experience.